Happy Mother's Day! After a day of cold and rain yesterday, I woke up to a beautiful sunny morning today. It's not going to be all that warm today, but at least the rain is gone and we have some beautiful flowers about to bloom this morning. In fact, the kids are headed outside right now to pick some for me :)
A friend of mine sent this "new" version of Proverbs 31 to me a couple of months ago. I thought it was so cute and true! I hope you enjoy it and maybe this will encourage you to not be intimidated by the woman in Proverbs 31 but to realize that with God's help, you can be her! Have a wonderful day!
Proverbs 31 – Tribute to the Virtuous Mother
A mom of sane mind, who can find?
She is worth far more than a clean bathroom
Her husband enjoys her presence
He even tells his buddies how great his wife is
She is always thankful for her husband’s help
Regardless if he puts the baby to bed without a diaper on
She picks out the clothes for the toddler to wear
And pins him to the ground, while she puts them on
She is like the pizza delivery boy
Food on the table in 30 minutes, or the kids cry free
She gets up while it is still dark (multiple times)
To nurse the baby, administer Tylenol for teething, or locate that pacifier
She writes out the grocery list
And even manages to return home with at least half of what was on it
She works hard; very, very hard
Her arms are strong from carrying a baby all day
She sees that being a mom is a worthwhile job
And is more than glad to leave the nightlight on
In one hand she holds the car keys
While in the other hand the baby, bottle, diaper bag, purse, and groceries
She opens her arm to the crying child
And never turns away a sniffling, snotty nosed baby
When it snows, she has no fear
Her kids have their coats, gloves, hats, scarves, and boots on
She changes the sheets on the bed
without even flinching at the ‘accident’
Her husband is respected and
Takes his seat with the other dads at the play area in the mall
She gathers the old baby clothes and sells them at a garage sale
With the money, she purchases ‘new’ clothes at someone else’s garage sale
She is clothed in spit up, yet holds her head high with dignity
She can laugh at the days to come
She speaks wisdom in baby-talk
The phrase ‘No –no!’ is always on her lips
She watches over the affairs of her household
There is no option of idleness
Her children wake up and cry ‘mommy!’
Her husband does not wake up at all when the baby cries
Many women are moms,
But only you are ‘mom’ to your kids
Sleep is over-rated, and showers are optional
But, a mom who trusts the LORD is ESSENTIAL
Give her the reward she has earned
Let her hard work bring her praise