Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Welcome Home...

"Welcome home after being gone for 20 days!" said the rotten fish from inside our freezer that had stopped working who knows how many days ago.

I'll post more about our awesome trip later. Now I'm off to shop for a new fridge.


Judy & Marvin said...

Hi Lara,
I've been thinking about you all day and wondering how your "fishy mess" has been coming along. I didn't want to call you because I know how much you have to do but that doesn't mean that I'm not thinking about you!! These things never seem to come at a good time do they? Wish I could be there to help you. Let me hear from you when you can.
Love to all,

Jill said...

Sorry to hear about the mess you had when you got home. We had a great time with you guys last week - it just went too fast! I'll post my pictures to picasa soon too. Can't wait to see your pictures! Give the kids a kiss and tell them that we miss them already!

Lisa said...

NICE! Hey, did you get one of those fab refrigerators w/ the freezer drawer at the bottom? I want one of those!

agirlinawhirl said...

Oh no! Been there. That's a smell you just can't get out of your nose for days!!

Kristin said...

You've got to be KIDDING! UGH!!! I can't even imagine. So sorry for the yuck that welcomed you home. We've missed you all. Hope to see you tomorrow at church.


southernjoy said...

Oh, YUCK!!!!