I love Jesus, love my husband, love my kids and love our house. I want everyone who visits us to take off their shoes, kick back and enjoy a nice tall glass of sweet tea. I want them to feel like they could stay here forever. I want to make our house a home. And I love the challenge of doing that on a budget - a very small budget!
Sometimes I get stuck in a rut with the kids and food. You know - buying the same prepackaged snacks at the store, making the same sandwiches for lunches, yada yada yada.
But today I bought the Magic Kitchen Cookbook at the book fair at the school and I have a plan...
Each week, each child gets to pick one thing to make with me out of the cookbook. That way, they have a say in what they want to make and I get to spend some quality time with them in the kitchen, teaching them all of those important kitcheny things! And we hopefully get out of the Goldfish Popcorn Puffs rut that we've been in forever!
I was having a hard time finding curtains for Carter's room before the tour of homes in December. So, I borrowed a trick from my sister Pam - use sheets! If I had found Nester before, I would've saved myself even more time and trouble. Oh well.
These "curtains" are flat sheets that I bought on clearance. I cut and added the red section to the bottom for some interest, but I still just wasn't happy with how they were hanging.
I had bought these wooden appliques on clearance at WalMart last year sometime. I knew I'd find something to do with them. I just wasn't sure when or what it would be. I had the ribbon upstairs in my ribbon stash and one day just couldn't take the sloppy curtains anymore!
So I pulled out my glue gun, glued the ribbon and applique on and Voila! They look so much better and let in so much more light! I love them!
This is one of the many posts I started a couple of weeks ago and then got distracted and never got around to posting. I know it's VERY LATE, but I still need to celebrate my girl!
I can't believe Ashlyn is 7. We had a fun-filled weekend of celebrating her and I think she enjoyed every minute of it! Friday (her actual birthday), we went out to eat at the Brazilian steak house here - her new favorite place to eat. You would not believe how much that little girl ate! And topped it all off with a piece of chocolate cake!
Saturday, she had a few friends over for a small birthday party. Carter got to invite his best friend from preschool, Quentin. These boys are two peas in a pod. Ashlyn had a great time at her party and got to spend the afternoon playing with some great friends.
And just because we aim to please, her only unfulfilled request was to go ice skating. So, we headed over to the arena Sunday for open skate and played around on the ice for about an hour. After that we were all pooped and ready to get out of those uncomfortable skates!