Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Still No Pictures...

So, I still haven't taken the camera outside to take pictures of the snow - you know because it's just so FAR. And I've been way too busy starting on yet another house project.

Tonight I put a coat of paint on the 30th window that we've redone. That feels pretty good until I stop to think about how many more there are. And the fact that, even though it may not feel that way outside right now, spring is on the way. Which also means that all of the screens need to be painted before we put them on for the summer. Otherwise, we'll be back to 4 or 5 different colored windows on our newly painted house. Some days, it feels like the work never ends.

But, it's not all tedious, window-related work. I'm finally working on our bedroom. I never got it done in our last house and it makes such a difference (at least to me) to have a nice relaxing place to retreat at the end of the day. Even if it means I only see it for 5 seconds before my eyes fall shut.

So, the last few days have been full of patching cracks and holes, sanding, vacuuming, priming and more vacuuming. Oh and also finding time for more windows, cleaning the house and doing the laundry. It's no wonder I barely make it to the bed before I fall asleep at night! But, I do have to find some ways to pass the snow-filled days!

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