Tuesday, May 22, 2007

A sad day...

Our TV died this morning. Broken. Kaput. Nothing. What's even sadder is that we had just gotten it hooked up and working yesterday. Oh well. Britney didn't much think it would survive the move.

This is the latest in a series of attacks against our family since we moved here. Obviously, our biggest struggle has been our house in Georgia not selling. We haven't been able to buy or do any of the things we had planned because of that. We were both starting to get a little freaked out about money, especially after we got the bill from the movers last Wednesday. So, we decided that we would seek God and what His will is for us like we never have before. Thus, the full-on war began.

Wednesday night, Carter didn't sleep very well, so I was sleeping in his bed with him. I twisted wrong and pulled what felt like every muscle in my upper back and neck. It was 5:00 in the morning - not a great way to start what would turn out to be a very bad day. It's feeling much better now - thanks to a great husband who has been taking good care of me!

Thursday morning was the elusive trip to Sioux Falls - enough said!

Friday was actually a pretty good day. We've met a lady down the street who has 3 kids - six, four and 15 months. So, we played with the younger ones most of the day.

Saturday was good until my oven acted up (again) while baking Britney's birthday cake. Apparently the thermostat or something is busted on it because it cooks VERY VERY HOT! I made a cream cheese pound cake (is your mouth watering?) that was supposed to cook for 1 hour and 55 minutes at 350. Instead, I had to cook it at 225 for 1 hour and 20 minutes - and one side of the outside still turned black and I USED MY STONEWARE BUNDT PAN!!! AGH!

Anyway, Sunday was a great day with Britney's birthday and church. We went to Jerry and Mel's church and they had a missionary from France in to speak. He was incredible! But, we both realized that there are very few churches reaching our generation or even the next one. We were the youngest couple in the church (with the exception of Britney's cousins). No young marrieds, singles or even many high schoolers. It made me sad and also made me realize that we ARE here for a purpose.

Enter Monday - Carter didn't sleep much at all Sunday night and Ashlyn was up by 6:30 in the morning. Both kids woke up with a cold. We were all grumpy Monday and didn't get along well all day.

Which brings us back to the TV - and money - and the fact that our house still hasn't sold and God is in control! When we realized the TV was dead, I just started laughing. Satan CANNOT steal my joy!!!

So, if you think about us over the next few days as we continue to seek what God's will is for us and what His plan is for us, please pray that satan would leave us alone.

James 1:2-4 (ESV) Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.


Judy & Marvin said...

Hi Everyone! I sat here and read your blog and wanted to jump in the car and come over to "console" you a little while but I guess this computer will have to do that for me. It always seems that way doesn't it? When one thing begins to go wrong, the bottom falls out!! At least now you will understand when I used to say "It's the oven". (ha ha) Satan will try to attack you on all sides but the Lord will be your protection when you call on Him. I will be praying that God will give you good direction as you seek a church to worship Him. It is important to have that fellowship with couples your age and for the kids as well. They are at such a tender age it is important to have them where they can "grow" in the Lord in classes just for them too. I drove by your house yesterday; I wasn't sure if I could without crying and I must admit a tear or two came to my eyes but it looks good from the outside! Every day I pray that God will send someone to buy it so that you and Britney can get on with fixing your new home. I was glad to hear that you have met a nice neighbor with kids for Ashlyn and Carter to play with. (Hope the kids are feeling better today.) Give them a big hug and kiss for me. I love you guys and pray for you daily. Mom

Anonymous said...

Oh, my goodness; the trials of life. I will just echo everything Judy said in her comment--she said it all well. I, too, pray for you daily and miss you daily. You know, usually God is really at work when Satan attacks so blatantly. So we will just join you in praying fervently for God to make His will known to you. I can relate to Judy driving by your house here--I think I have been putting off going over to clean because it's hard to see the dirt on the carpet through blurry eyes! But you are right--God is in control in ALL things and we trust in a BIG God.
While we are waiting on Him, I send our biggest wishes and thoughts for a good rest-of-the-week!
Love to all,

Anonymous said...

Lara I just love your honesty and realnesss (I don't think that's a word!), anyway...hang in there girl, I think of you often. Love, Lisa I.