So, it seems I'm going with a theme here. Yesterday was the first time we went sledding. Our small group at church decided to do family activities once a month. This month the choice was sledding. What a blast! The kids trekked up and down the hill for a solid 2 hours. We only had one injury. Another little boy went right down the hill into a tree. He his with his shoulder luckily and not his head. It looked pretty bad from the top of the hill, but once his parents calmed him down and checked him over, it looked like he was OK - just pretty shaken up. His name is Abel, so if you think about him today, say a prayer for him!
The complete sledding adventure is
Now back to a normal day of playing and laundry :) It's beautiful here today - supposed to be in the 40's! It's like a heat wave!!!!
I love these photos, you can just see the pure JOY in those little faces and, I can almost hear the laughter too!! It looks like so much fun, I think I may have even tried a trip down the mountain if I had been there. (Now, that would have been a sight to see wouldn't it??) I hope Jill and Nathan see these photos; maybe one day he will be able to bring his little sled and give it a try too.
So, it's "40" there today---a "heat wave you say". Good, maybe those little faces will thaw-out (ha ha). The once a month family time sounds like a wonderful adventure and I hope all of you stick to that and enjoy your time together. Have fun!
I love you guys,
Girlfriend, we need to get you a hat. And a scarf. And a ski mask.
Maybe you should buy stock in Eddie Bauer and Lands End! Or Columbia, R.E.I... I guess I know what to get you next year for Christmas!
Deanna's right - you guys need some ski masks - it might help keep the tongues inside...but then you wouldn't get to see the beaming smiles. I think the move up north is exactly what Ashlyn needed. She looks completely happy and at ease. A small town seems like the right thing for her and your family.
Monthly family time sounds like a great idea - glad you guys have a small group to do it with.
Oh, and if it gets in the 50's - that's truly a heat wave so I'll expect some pictures in bikinis and speedos...okay maybe just some shorts.
Looks like a blast! Beats our pulling Nathan around on our flat yard! I doubt we can get away with that next year.....he'll be too old to think that it is fun! We'll have to find a hill somewhere! I love the pictures and want to bring Nathan to visit!! Maybe I'll be "sick" before your snow melts and before we have to pay for a ticket for Nathan.......so in the next 3 weeks.....ok maybe not!!! But soon hopefully!!!
Kiss those little red cheeked kids for me!
Girlfriend you've got to get ya some snow pants and a hat! :)
Looks fun ~ maybe in the next yr. or two the Inlow's will drive on up for a winter visit. Scott's been saying for over a year now, "I want to go somewhere with lots of snow". I told him the other day, "let's just go see Britney and Lara"...
Lara - Those pictures looked like so much fun! I am glad you all had a fun day in the snow. We are still on the hunt for snow around here! Did find a little up in Pine Mountain one day! Enough to build a small snowman and throw a few snowballs! But we even missed out on snow in Tennesse when we went for Winter Break. Oh Well!!! Guess we will keep looking!
Love you
I'm cold just looking at the photos..which were lovely by the way. I want to go sledding!!!! All we've got in GA is burglars...lol. Love and miss you..thanks for all your comments. I love reading them.
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