Here is the forecast: Today - SNOW - 100% chance Tonight - MORE SNOW - 90% chance; total accumulation 4-8 inches
There is also a chance of snow for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
I knew when I woke up this morning that it was going to be a dreary day since everything was shrouded in white. But, as hard as I tried to be grumpy and as ready as I am for spring, the Lord wouldn't let me be and I found myself smiling as I walked by the window, again amazed at the beauty that waits for us outside. Even if it is COLD :)
Well, it may be cold but it sure is beautiful! I love the picture. It only really snowed here once and it was great. We all got to make a snowman for the first time since Baylee was a baby. We had a snowman kit that I bought when she was around one. We finally got to use it. About an hour after we made it, the temps warmed up and the snowman began sliding and eventually fell. Wow, a whole hour of fun. Enjoy it while you can, spring will be here soon enough:)
That picture is beautiful! I know you're probably ready for Spring, but hey, the longer you have snow on the ground, the longer you don't have to do any yard work!!! Just less than 3 months we'll be in the heatwave of Orlando wishing for some cold weather!
Beautiful picture and beautiful attitude. I imagine it would be easy to get grumpy but recognizing God's beauty makes that impossible. Thanks for always reminding me to be happy!
Hey! Well, I do love the picture. I just received one from Julie out in Colorado...looks like you all have similar weather. But, I am still not quite used to 70 degrees here in time for Easter....but not complaining too much. It is beautiful both places.:)
aaah, spring in Minnesota. ;-)
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