Saturday, April 12, 2008

Yard Sales

Today was my first experience with serious yard sale-ing in Adrian. It was the town-wide sale today and we hit probably 12-15 of them! Both kids started out with me this morning, but Carter got cold (yes, it was still snowing a little this morning) so he went home to stay with Britney and play with his new drum kit for $1. Yes, I bought him a drum kit. Crazy? Maybe. But yesterday I found him with screwdrivers banging on the bannister upstairs. Carter has now made his mark on our 100 year old railings.

Anyway, I thought I would share my successes with you! I spent $27 and got the following: a drum kit, sawhorse toy for Carter, 4 dresses for Ashlyn, jeans, a t-shirt, a purse, a pillow, a puzzle, a purse for Ashlyn, and a chair, which of course needs some TLC. All for $27!!! I couldn't believe it!

This is just the beginning and hopefully the next ones won't be so cold! Although on a brighter note - it is supposed to hit 70 here on Wednesday!!!!! Winter will end!


Jill said...

That's crazy how much you got for $27!! I should go yard-saleing soon. It must have been a day for yard sales because we had one Friday and Saturday. We ended up making about $600! Your tip for how to do the baby clothes was perfect! We sold about $150 in baby clothes, and we still have boxes and boxes of them left. We'll add them to mom and dad's sale in May!!!

I hope the week brings better weather. We're supposed to have really cold nights again until Wednesday, but then we'll be back in the 70's as well! Talk to you soon!

Deanna said...

Ooooh, what's your tip for doing the baby clothes?! Ok, not that I have the energy/desire to do a yard sale...but maybe one day when I grow up.

This sounds like you got some really cool stuff, and $27 would buy you about half of a shirt at the mall. You did great!

Anonymous said...

Now Carter really is my fave! We are so going to drum together when I come up. I'll bring my drum sticks. Jonathan can play his guitar and we can all jam! = )

Mama G said...

You did awesome! We had our first big yard sale at the church the 18th and 19th. It was a success! We raised enough $ to help with the bus and pay camp fee for a couple of kids. Going to try it again on May 3rd. We'll see what happens! Tell everyone hello :)

agirlinawhirl said...

Welcome to the exciting world of yard sailing! Michael is in the olympic division. It took me a while to be able to keep up with him, but now we're both pro's..LOL. The key is walk fast, look fast and move on before the good stuff is gone! Love ya!