Monday, June 22, 2009

Riding a Bicycle

For those of you with kids who already know how to ride a 2-wheeler, how in the world did you teach them to ride?

Ashlyn is 7 and got an awesome bike a couple of months ago. I found it for FREE when I was junking in the Cities with my friend Jackie. But that's a whole other post...

Most of Ashlyn's friends can ride without training wheels and she desperately wants to be able to also. We've been working at it for a couple of months, but we end up frustrated at each other and call it quits. We've always butted heads on everything. I can't wait until she's a teenager...

So, any tips, suggestions, strong drinks to try afterwards?


Judy & Marvin said...

Practice and Patience that is what it takes!! Wish I was there, I would take over for you for a while so that you won't need a "strong drink" and Ashlyn won't end up in the "time out chair". (ha ha) Just keep trying and it will come one day. She may have inherited that from me, I never was very good at riding a bike myself!! Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Katie still doesn't have it down either! I think Caleb will learn before her! Hope you all are well. Miss talking to you!

southernjoy said...

Oh, we're there also. And he doesn't even WANT to do it!