Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Big Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow is Ashlyn's first day of kindergarten. We went today to meet her teacher, only to find out that her teacher had a baby two weeks ago, and she'll have a substitute until October when Mrs. Erdmann returns from maternity leave. Ashlyn's current teacher is Miss Christensen. She seems really nice and like she'll do very well with kindergarteners. Ashlyn loved her right away and even made her flowers for tomorrow.

Honestly, I'm relieved that this is the way school is starting. Maybe I'm projecting my fears from elementary school onto Ashlyn, but I remember being terrified when I walked into first grade one day and we had a sub! From that day forward, I asked my teacher, Mrs. Causey, every day if she would be there all day or if we would have another substitute. I'm sure I drove that woman nuts! But, I didn't want Ashlyn to have the same experience I did, so we've been talking about how Mrs. Erdmann would leave after a couple of weeks and a new teacher would come in while she was out having a new baby. Whew! I was anxious for nothing! We don't have to worry about that transition until October and we'll only have to do it once. I'm sure Ashlyn would do fine. She never even blinked an eye when she would have a sub in preschool.

As for the big girl, she's excited and a little anxious. She was already saying she didn't want to go to kindergarten today - until we were able to go and find her seat and look around the school. When we were leaving, she looked at me and said, "Mom, I'm not nervous at all anymore. I can't wait for tomorrow!"

I'm going to bed tonight holding onto that statement. I'm a lot more emotional about her going to kindergarten than I thought I would be. I didn't bat an eyelash last year when she went to preschool, but this is a real SCHOOL with FIFTH GRADERS! I can only imagine what I would be like if we were in Georgia and she was going to Suwanee Elementary for the first time. I am so thankful that the Lord provided for us to move out of that area and even though it's very far away from family and friends, we all rest assured every day that this is where we are meant to be.

Okay, enough rambling. I'm off to clean and do laundry! My parents come in on Thursday and I want to make sure I don't have any boring housework to do while they're here. Pray for me tomorrow if you think of it; and Ashlyn and Carter too. I'm sure she'll do just fine! I only hope I do as well :)


Unknown said...

I'm already praying for you and Ashlyn. (It brings back so many memories thinking back to the day each one of you went off to your "First Day At School".) It doesn't matter how many children you have, there is just something about sending them off to that great big world of education!! She is forever and always your "little girl" and nothing changes that.

You have taught her well and she will be just fine. And, don't worry, she will always love her mommy, daddy, and brother and need them most of all. Give her a big kiss for me and tell her that Nana is thinking about her today.
I love you guys,

Anonymous said...

Such kind sweet words from the mom of you. = )