Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Childhood Bedroom

Today, Misti over at Studio M Designs is having her first Mr. Linky party where we get to show off our childhood bedrooms. I want her first party to be a huge success, so I decided to join in - even though I don't have any pictures. This is one of those times I wish I could run over to Mom and Dad's and grab those wonderful shots of our bedroom from 1984!

My sister Jill and I shared a room until I was 16. Our room went through several redecorating phases, but I think the room I remember most vividly was our "heart room." It had white walls with bright royal blue trim. Yes - royal blue. Our beds were white, but I don't really remember what style they were. I think they could've been bunked but we never had them that way. You know - because bunk beds are dangerous and all.

Our comforters were white with different colored hearts all over them and my mom had stenciled hearts around the top of the room - in all different colors to match the comforter. I remember many nights lying in bed and counting the hearts until I fell asleep.

We also had this awesome (at least I think so now) old vanity with a huge round mirror. I'm sure that when we got older, we were too cool for it and needed something much more fashionable. But now I wish we still had it. I could come up with some really great ideas for that piece!

The last thing I remember were these blue pieces of lattice or something similar that were mounted above our headboards and there were little hearts that were supposed to look like flowers peeking out around the "fences".

I'm sure if I found pictures of it now, I would think it was a pretty ugly room :) But there were lots of great memories made in that room - and lots of great sisterly fights too! Thanks, Mom, for making our room fun, and I'm sure for putting up with all of the "wants" that we had!

So, how about you? Go on over to Misti's and tell us about your childhood room. Or better yet - post pictures if you have them!!!


Misti of Studio M Designs said...

Thanks Lara! I do wish you had pictures, I would love to see that vanity and the lattice too! I bet you and your sister had a blast there. Three of my brothers had to share my room with me until we finished a fairly large addition to the house, that was a great day when they moved to the other end!

Thanks for playing along!

Elise said...

The vanity almost sounds like the one I have now!! I didn't know you knew funny!! I always wonder how people find my blog.
Your rooms sounds...interesting. Hahahaha!! My mom painted mine white and had blue trim, a duck border, mauve carpet. Oh yeah, it was fabulous!!

Judy & Marvin said...

Hi Lara,
I wish I could get that photo to you as well. Somewhere in the "picture box" I know that I have one; I saw it not too long ago while I was searching for photos for Melinda's 40th birthday video. That room was also one of my favorites as well because it was so bright and happy. You didn't know it then, but every heart that I painted on that wall represented a prayer for you and your sisters!!
I love you,

Southern Charm said...

Your room sounds like it was a lot of fun. I think I had a dresser like that too at one time.

Jill said...

Sisterly fights???? With me? You must be confused...... HA! You forgot to mention the light blue carpet... Thanks for the memory of that room!! If I have a picture of it at home, I'll scan it and send it to you!

Kasey said...

hey you, i couldn't find your email.
I used pale grey from Ralph lauren on the walls, and the cabs are cottage white from behr.